计算机技术和计算概念几乎已经渗透到学术研究的各个领域. This interdisciplinary major is designed for students who wish to combine the study of computing and computers with another academic discipline. 学生可以将计算机的学习与传统的学术学科结合起来, such as physics, chemistry, sociology, or biology, 以及涉及大量计算组件的新兴领域, such as bioinformatics, cognitive science, and digital arts.


可以找到跨学科计算学习目标 HERE.


Students who elect this major will design a course of study 我咨询了两位指导老师, 一个在计算机科学,一个在坐标学科. Together they must develop a coherent course of study consisting of an appropriate selection of courses in mathematics, computer science, and the coordinate discipline. 专业的具体课程将根据专业的重点而有所不同, 但所有被批准的专业都有以下一般要求.

General requirements

Computer science core: Three courses:

  • CPSC 115L. Introduction to Computer Science
  • CPSC 203. Mathematical Foundations of Computing
  • CPSC 215L. Data Structures and Algorithms

计算机科学选修课:三门与本学科相适应的课程, 在与计算机科学顾问协商后选择.

数学:与自然科学或社会科学学科相协调的学生必须参加, at minimum, 数学131和一门额外的课程从以下:任何数学课程编号107或以上, POLS 242, PSYC 221L and SOCL 201L (however, with economics, 数学131和数学207或经济218). Students coordinating with a discipline in the arts and humanities must take MATH 127 or be eligible to enroll in MATH 131. 额外的数学课程将在学习计划中指定.

Coordinate courses: Six to seven courses in the coordinate discipline to be chosen in consultation with the coordinate adviser.

Senior exercise: A yearlong senior exercise (CPSC 498-499) consisting of an approved capstone project, 加上参加计算机科学高级研讨会(CPSC 403-404). 高级项目将涉及大量跨学科研究, 使学生的整个学习过程连贯的学习或发展. It must be proposed, 我咨询了两位指导老师, 一个在计算机科学,一个在坐标学科, 并在大三春季学期结束时获得计算机科学系的批准. CPSC 403和CPSC 404都满足写作强化部分II的要求.

Admission to the major

To be admitted to the major, students must receive a grade of C- or better in CPSC 203 and CPSC 215L and must submit an approved plan of study in consultation with their advisers.


The interdisciplinary computing major provides a student with the flexibility to design a course of study that combines computing and any other discipline. 以下轨道作为指导示例提供. Unless specified otherwise, the courses listed here do not constitute formal requirements but rather illustrate some of the specific topics that may be included in a course of study.


怎样才能使计算机和机器人具有智能行为? 人类的大脑和智能可以通过计算模型来理解吗? 智能机器带来的社会和伦理影响是什么? Students interested in this area should combine psychology and philosophy courses with appropriate computer science and mathematics courses as follows:

计算机科学选修课:适当的课程可从:CPSC 219中选择. Theory of Computation, CPSC 310. Software Design, CPSC 352. Artificial Intelligence, and CPSC 375. High-Performance Computing.

数学:超出必修课程, 学生可以选修一门与自己兴趣相关的额外课程.

协调课程:心理学、哲学相关课程应包括NESC 365. 认知与社会神经科学,心理学报,221L. Research Design and Analysis, PSYC 255L. Cognitive Psychology, PSYC 293L. Perception, PSYC 332L. Psychological Assessment, and PHIL 374. Minds and Brains. (另见本公报的心理学系部分,见第396页).~\pageref{PSYC:PSYC}.)

Arts and humanities

计算机的研究可以与几乎任何传统的人文和艺术学科相结合. 对历史感兴趣的学生可以把重点放在计算机的历史上. 哲学家可以专注于大量有趣的哲学问题. A student interested in art or art history could focus on the increasing use and importance of computers in the art world. Combining computing with an art or humanities discipline would require eight or nine courses in the coordinate discipline plus an appropriate selection of computing courses:

计算机科学选修课:适当的课程可能包括:CPSC 110. 计算机,信息和社会,CPSC 310. Software Design, CPSC 352. Artificial Intelligence, and CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals.



现代分子生物学越来越依赖于计算机来进行基因组测序, protein folding, 细胞结构和过程的分析, 也解决了许多其他的生物学问题. 对这一领域感兴趣的学生应该结合计算机科学, mathematics, 将生物学纳入一个连贯的学习计划,可能包括以下内容:

计算机科学选修课:适当的课程可以选择:CPSC 304. Computer Graphics, CPSC 310. Software Design, CPSC 320. Analysis of Algorithms, CPSC 352. Artificial Intelligence, CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals, and CPSC 375. High-Performance Computing.

数学:除了数学131和数学207, mathematically-oriented students might further take MATH 132 and one or two additional courses in mathematical modeling (MATH 252 or MATH 254).

Coordinate courses: Introductory courses in chemistry (CHEM 111L and CHEM 112L) and biology (BIOL 182L, BIOL 183L和BIOL 224L)加上两个或更多的高级生物学课程,如BIOL 226L. Recombinant DNA Technology, BIOL 227L. Cell Biology, and BIOL 310L. Developmental Biology.

Digital media

Computing capabilities have expanded the expressive potential of humans by providing software-based mechanisms to create, manipulate, present, and catalogue images, sound, and video. Students can explore the inter-relationship between computing and the arts via a course of study combining computing with the study of studio arts, fine arts, or music. A suggested course of study may include:

计算机科学选修课:适当的课程可能包括:CPSC 110. Visual Computing, CPSC 225. Event Driven Programming, CPSC 310. Software Design, and CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals.


Economics and computing

Computing technology and concepts have become increasingly important in all areas of economics and finance, 从分析到安全,再到建模和可视化. Study in this area might also focus on some of the economic impacts of computing in areas such as online media or intellectual property law. 这方面的研究课程将利用:

计算机科学选修课:适当的课程可以选择:CPSC 310. Software Design, CPSC 320. Analysis of Algorithms, CPSC 333. Computer Networks, CPSC 340. Software Engineering, CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals, and CPSC 385. Computer Security.

数学:除了数学131和数学207或经济218, mathematically-oriented students might further take MATH 132 and one or two additional courses in mathematical modeling (MATH 252 or MATH 254).

协调课程:经济系要求经济学101. Basic Economic Principles, ECON 301. Microeconomic Theory, ECON 302. Macroeconomic Theory, ECON 318. Econometrics, ECON 431. Senior Seminar, 一门额外的200级经济学课程, 外加一门300级的经济学课程. (For more details, see economics on p.~\pageref{ECON:ECON})

Physical sciences and engineering

Study of computing can be combined with any of the traditional physical science and engineering disciplines (e.g., chemistry, physics). 计算机有许多令人兴奋的科学应用, including data mining and analysis, data visualization, computational modeling, and other areas. 计算化学家使用计算机计算分子的结构和性质. Computational physicists use numerical algorithms to build models and solve problems in quantum mechanics. Students interested in an interdisciplinary course of study in this area would take six or seven courses in the coordinate discipline plus an appropriate selection of courses in mathematics and computing:

计算机科学选修课:合适的课程可能包括:CPSC 304. Computer Graphics, CPSC 320. Analysis of Algorithms, CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals, and CPSC 375. High-Performance Computing.

数学:除了数学131和数学132, students might take MATH 207 and one or two additional courses in mathematical modeling (MATH 252 or MATH 254).

协调课程:六到七门特定的物理科学或工程课程.g., chemistry, physics).

Social sciences

Study of computing can be combined with any of the traditional social science disciplines such as sociology and political science. Study in these areas might focus on some of the social and political implications of computing in modern society, the digital divide, the open source movement, social impacts of digital media. Students interested in an interdisciplinary course of study in a social science would take six or seven courses in the coordinate discipline plus an appropriate selection of courses in mathematics and computing.

计算机科学选修课:可从以下课程中选择适当的课程:CPSC 110. 计算机,信息和社会,CPSC 310. Software Design, CPSC 320. Analysis of Algorithms, CPSC 372. Database Fundamentals, CPSC 375. High-Performance Computing, and CPSC 385. Computer Security.



AP/IB credit: Students who scored 4 or 5 on either the AP Computer Science Principles or Computer Science A examination will be awarded 1 course credit in place of CPSC 110. Students who scored 5 or higher on the IB Higher Level Computer Science examination will be awarded 1 course credit in place of CPSC 110. The credit may be counted towards the major upon submitting a written request to the department chair.

Study away: Students are strongly urged to consult with their advisers as early as possible in the process of preparing to study away. 学生必须完成核心要求(CPSC 115L), CPSC 203, and CPSC 215L) before studying away. Students must consult with their faculty advisers to identify classes that will be acceptable for transfer credits from their study-away institution. Students must fulfill the yearlong requirement of computer science seminar (CPSC 403-404) and the associated senior project (CPSC 498-499) during their senior year at Trinity.

Honors荣誉是由计算机科学学院投票授予合格的学生. Typically, to attain honors in the major, a student must have four grades of A- or better and no grade lower than B in the top eight courses counted toward the major, four of which come from computer science and mathematics courses numbered 200 or higher and four of which come from courses in the coordinate department, 完成CPSC 403-404和CPSC 498-499序列,成绩为a -或以上.